Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Social Night

On Friday 16th March, there will be a social night at the club starting at 7.30 pm. The night will include the unveiling of the new honor boards, a single frame knockout snooker tournament and some pizza, nibbles and drinks. Club members are encouraged to be there as it promises to be a great night and great opportunity to get together and have some fun.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

New Keys

New keys are required due to a change in locks at the club rooms. Please see Selwyn or Mick to get your new key as the old ones no longer give you access.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Snooker Season

After the Christmas break, it is great to have both the A and B grade snooker season get underway. Results will be posted when known.


There is a general meeting Friday night, 17th of February in the clubrooms. Please try to attend and if you have any agenda items, please notify Selwyn prior to the meeting